Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Paper Reading#2: JigsawMap: Connecting the Past to the Future by Mapping Historical Textual Cadasters

   Title -- JigsawMap: Connecting the Past to the Future by Mapping Historical Textual Cadasters
   Reference Information -- Korea
   Author Bios--Current:Associate Consultant at Exaserv
   Past:Graduate TA (Database) at Georgia Institute of Technology
  •    Research Assistant Intern at Yeungnam University Medical Center

Summary: JigsawMap is a text visualization tool for making historical textual cadasters. People use great amount of time for making pre-modern textual cadasters to modern textual cadasters. This is mainly because historians need to analys great amount of data and draw them on a paper. however, this tool use visualization that will able anyone to do an expert's job.

The work I read is about novel and they did talk about related work. They mention about their work is based on previous research on different fields. The related work is about at the same level of the paper I read about. The related works seem to not have a device that is well developed as I read in the paper. 

Evaluation: They ask a student that has no experience in this kind of work before to participate, and a professor that has fully experience on it. The student will use the Jigsaw Map, and the professor used his hand drawn map to do everything by his own hand. The outcome is the student did in a much faster way than the professor. The student uses only two weeks to completed the task, and the professor use more than a month. They use qualitative measures and biased measures. The method they used is systemic since it did ask people that are familiar to this kind of work to participate and people that are not. It works pretty well based on their prediction. 

Discussion: I think this work contributes much to the historians. This will decrease the amount of time they work for mapping. Therefore, the historians can use other time to investigate other more important things. 

Paper Reading #1:Learning how to feel again: towards affective workplace presence and communication technologies

  • Title: Learning how to feel again: towards affective workplace presence and communication technologies
  • Reference Information: Illonios Unviersity

  • Author Bios: All authors are students who studying computer science at Illonioous Unveristy. For Xu, his research interest is  to Creativity Support Tools, Crowdsourcing and Visualization.

Summary: In this paper, they talk about how people are lack of each other's cue of affect in today's live. 
This is mainly because everyone in work place communicate via computer-mediated channels. They insist that affect is very important to communication and collaboration in the work place. In their work, they try to capture people's affect state during work time without any invasive way. They ask a group of workers to work together in a building. The workers know each other very well and they use myUnity to communicate. During the day, they will sent out text messages and email five to eight times. At each time period, participants were asked to report their location, current communication media preferences , preferences with respect to requests from colleagues , current affective state (Figure 1c), and, optionally, their estimate of another colleague’s affective state. As a result, the participates rarely felt confident to guess others affective state(26% of the time) and when they guessed, the number is 57%for pleasure and 59.1% for arousal. From the information shown above, participates have difficulty for assess affective state of others.

Related work not referenced in the paper: 

  1. Virtual teams: Technology and the workplace of the future
  2. Informal workplace communication: What is it like and how might we support it?
  3. Introducing instant messaging and chat in the workplace
  4. Health Communication on the Internet: An effective channel for health behavior change?
  5. Assessing social presence in asynchronous text-based computer
  6. Interactivity and vividness effects on social presence and involvement with a web-based advertisement
  7. Interaction and outeraction: instant messaging in action
  8. Monitoring online communication: can the development of convergence and social presence indicate an interactive learning environment?
  9. Perceptions of mediated presence in an asynchronous online course: Interplay of communicationbehaviors and medium
  10. How to compete: the impact of workplace practices and information technology on    productivity

I think the work I read is about novel. Since this problem appear these past decade, I think the topic is novel. And they did talk about related work, such as myUnity. They also mention some other early project about this topic, such as Active Badge System which provide awareness of people's physical environment through video feed.

Evaluation: They use qualitative measures and biased measures. The method does work and they measure only part of the system. Since they only did one study and it's only done with 23 people.

Discussion: I think the methods they used is good in terms of non invasive way. Their contribution is not that big since the result of study is obvious to most people. However, this is only the initial step of their approach. in the paper, they stated there will be more studies and improvement in the future.

Blog #0

  • Photo of yourself (real photo).
  • E-mail address.
  • Class standing (e.g., 3rd year Junior, 7th year Senior)
    • 4th year Senior
  • Why are you taking this class?
    • Because I am interested in how computer interact with human
  • What experience do you bring to this class?
    • Actually I have not much experience in this field.
  • What are your professional life goals?
    • To get in a top computer company, such as Apple
  • What are your personal life goals?
    • To happily live forever
  • What do you want to do after you graduate?
    • To get a miserable job
  • What do you expect to be doing in 10 years?
    • Programming
  • What do you think will be the next biggest technological advancement in computer science?
    • Iron man!
  • If you could travel back in time, who would you like to meet and why?
    • My dad. Because he taught me a lot, and I want to learn more from him
  • Describe your favorite shoes and why they are your favorite?
    • Nike, it has been my favorite since childhood.
  • If you could be fluent in any foreign language that you're not already fluent in, which one would it be and why?
    • Japanese, I always wanted to learn this language since my childhood. Mainly is because cartoon and their culture.
  • Give some interesting fact/story about yourself.
    • I do magic since high school, however, I kind of quit this hobby. But I am still good at it!